FHS School Code 151041
SAT I (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a standardized, timed aptitude test used widely by college admissions counselors in the admission process. It consists of math, critical reading and writing sections. It is offered eight times per year nationally. Students may use calculators on the math sections. Hamilton Southeastern High School is a test site in October, December, March, and May. Students may choose the test site for any of the testing dates. Generally, we encourage juniors to take the SAT in the spring and seniors to take or retake the SAT in October or November. Students may take the test on any test date. If the test is taken more than once, many colleges and universities will consider the best scores from each section and not just from one testing session. Sophomores also may take the SAT but we would recommend they at least sit for the PSAT first before they take the SAT.
The SAT II – Achievement/Subject Tests are one-hour tests in specific subjects such as science, English, or foreign languages. Some schools require two or three tests for first-year placement. Colleges that require the SAT II are typically the more competitive ones. Subject tests are offered on all the below test dates with the exception of the March date.