College and Career Readiness
Our students are full of big dreams and big potential.
It is our job to help advance, support and plan for their future goals. Regardless if college, career, military, or entrepreneurship are in your future, all HSE students will be equipped to succeed and evolve in a face-paced, ever-changing global environment.
Fishers High School offers a college and career academy (CCA) with the goal of customizing experiences and future plans for each student. This often includes the opportunity for students to earn college credits or industry certifications that will put them on a path toward their potential major or career. In high school, students are moving beyond career awareness and information toward career exploration, preparation and planning. The Indiana Roadmap for Student Success articulates some experiences that build career include preparing a graduation plan, obtain work-based learning experiences, estimate the cost of college, search for scholarships, create a resume, completing a graduation plan, participating in a job shadow or interviewing a professional in a career field of interest, creating a resume, creating a financial plan and meeting graduation pathways.